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Understanding Solar Energy: A Simple Guide
Harnessing the sun’s power for everyday use might seem like a feat of high-tech wizardry, but recent advances in solar technology have simplified the process. Below we’ll illuminate the four fundamental steps that allow sunlight to power everything from appliances to electronics in your home.

Solar Panels Catch Sun Rays

Solar panels are made up of lots of small parts called cells. Think of these cells like little traps for the sun’s rays. When the sun shines on them, they catch something from the sun called photons.

These photons make tiny bits inside the cells, called electrons, move around and create a flow of electricity. This flow is a kind called DC, which is not the type we use in our homes yet.

Changing the Electricity Type

The DC electricity from the solar panels isn’t the kind we can use directly in our homes. We need to change it into AC electricity.

That’s where a machine called an inverter comes in. It takes the DC and turns it into AC, which is what can power your lights, TV, and fridge.

Electricity Goes Into Your Home

Now that we have the right kind of electricity, it’s sent into your house. You don’t have to do anything special; it just comes in and powers everything that needs electricity, just like the power from the electricity company.

Extra Energy Doesn't Go to Waste

Sometimes, your solar panels make more power than you need. This extra power doesn’t get wasted.

You can send this extra power back to the network. If it’s a day when your panels don’t make enough power, you can use the credits from the power you gave back to use regular power from the network.

See how much you can save by going solar with us.